by Caroline Bredekamp for the Preston Times 

Gavin Kilburg and his family and friends hosted a rock painting party at the Old City Hall Building (Kunau Building).  It was a full house (75+) of individuals of all ages painting rocks to take up to Westside Park and add to Rudy the Snake.  Rudy decorates the serenity garden rock/flower bed and has grown to be over 50 feet long before the painting event even began.  All supplies were donated by Kilburg Equipment Preston Ready Mix and Denise Larson, EV Art Teacher was on hand to assist the artists of all skill levels.  Treats were available as well making it a fun event of art and community. The Downtown Pub Donated the Lemonade and the Preston Country Store provided the cookies.  Nancy Kieffer and Kelsey Shindelar also assisted during the event. The Rock Painting Event was dedicated to Gavin and his love for painting rocks!  Gavin was ecstatic and will be talking about this for days months to come.  Stay tuned for some additional activities similar to this one.  Plans have been formulated.

Getting their paint palettes ready and selecting just the right rock for their masterpieces.


First coats of paint drying- Happy with the job so far!


Jenna Kilburg and her sons take a quick break to soak in the event that they helped plan.  Gavin (left) was the creator of the Rudy the Rock Project and has proven that no matter what age, with an idea and a big heart, a person can make a difference in their community.


Watermelon slices, and ice cream cone and a nod to our bee friends were just some of the designs the artists came up with.  Matching idea and paint to the shape of the rock chosen.


A full house of fun and creativity.


Gavin and his best friend Ayden put out all the rocks that were left to be added to Rudy the Snake