by Caroline Bredekamp for the Preston Times
Members of the St. John’s Lutheran Church LYO planned a Souper-Bowl event to collect canned goods and other non-perishables, as well as monetary donations for the Manna Center and the Girl scouts Little Free Food Pantry located near the church. This was a drive up and drop off event. Despite being postponed due to a snowstorm, the event was still held this past Sunday. Rachelle Moeller and her daughter Bridgette braved the incoming cold weather and stationed themselves outside of the church from 10AM to noon collecting the drive-up and drop off items and funds. All in all, it was a successful event and shows the groups dedication to its ministry projects.

Brigette Moeller and her mother, Rachelle, braved the incoming cold weather on Sunday morning at the Drive-Up and Drop Off event. Those that participated at the collection site were treated with a mini-Jesus to remind them that Jesus is everywhere.