Molly Ploessl assisted by Daniela Miller and Lucia Miller (volunteers), and Theresa Schwager (staff, right) pause from hosting “Bingo Games” with the residents and tenants at the Mill Valley Care Center in Bellevue, Iowa, during the afternoon on Wednesday, June 19, 2024.

Thanks to Ray & Doris Theisen for hosting the game of “Euchre” [as volunteers at the Mill Valley Care Center (MVCC)] during the morning on Friday; and hosting “Music with Ray & Doris” for/with the tenants [at the Sunrise Villa Assisted Living (SVAL)] and the residents (at the MVCC) during the noontime on Friday, and the evening-time on Tuesday.
Thanks to Vincent S. and Marlyce T. (tenants, volunteers) and Linda Bennett (family/volunteer) for hosting the game of “Dominoes” during the afternoon on Friday. “Soft Serve” Ice cream desserts were served after the games. Thanks to Jeanne Weber (volunteer) for assisting Activities.

Thanks to Marlyce T. (tenant, volunteer) for leading the Rosary prayers (at the SVAL) for the Catholic tenants during this month on Sunday midmorning.
“Coffee and Conversation” was enjoyed by the tenants and families (at the SVAL) during Sunday morning.
Special Thanks to The Mennonite Choir (volunteers) for hosting “Music with the Mennonites” for/with the residents (at the MVCC) and the tenants (at the SVAL) during the evening time on Sunday.

“Exercises with Restorative” was held with the residents during the morning on Monday with Joy M. (staff).
“Euchre Games” were available during the afternoon on Monday.
“Ice Cream” was served for/with the residents (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Monday.
“Movie/Video – Choice” was held with the residents during the afternoon on Tuesday.

Thanks to Cheyanne Merrick’s Class from St. Joseph’s Catholic School (Bellevue, Iowa), (Pre-School to 3rd Grade Daycare students), assisted by Claire & Anonymous (volunteers) for reading stories to the tenants (at the SVAL) and assembling simple puzzles together with the residents, frosting cookies with the residents (at the MVCC) and playing “Noodle Ball” during the afternoon on Tuesday. Thanks to Lenae Sieverding (Administrator) for providing the students with books & puzzles. (The students enjoyed the “cookies” and beverages. We look forward to their visiting again.)
Thanks to Peggy Althaus, Kasey Jobutt, Pat Roling, and Rita Miller (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games” with the tenants (at the SVAL), held during the afternoon on Tuesday.
Certified Nurses Assistants (CNA) Week was celebrated from June 13 to June 19, 2024.

Happy CNA Week to All! Many Thanks to you for your hard work, compassion, and kindness by uplifting the hearts & lives of our residents and tenants.
Special Thanks to Molly Ploessl with Daniela Miller and Lucia Miller, Betty Bakey, and Laurie Anderson (volunteers) for hosting “Bingo Games”, held with the residents and tenants (at the MVCC) during the afternoon on Wednesday. Soft-served Ice Cream was served after Bingo, thanks to Dietary.

Thanks to the staff/volunteers: Theresa Schwager, Susan Eversole, Lenae Sieverding, Susan Cates, Kayla Blaser, CNAs, and all the involved unnamed staff for their assistance in Activities this week, and Laurie Anderson (volunteer) for assisting Activities during the day on Wednesday. (You are appreciated greatly!)
The Dietary department staff provided the weekly goodies (fruity drinks, lemonade, popcorn, brownies, donuts, and muffins) for the CNAs, residents, tenants, and staff to celebrate together throughout this past week.

Thanks to Rev. Robert Gross (Pastor, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Bellevue, Iowa), with a special guest, Rev. Matthew Daniel Kurt [a newly ordained priest (May 18, 2024)] from the Archdiocese of Detroit MI; a Chaplain, a First Lieutenant in the US Army, and Lois Kramer’s nephew), and Jr. & Laura Steines, Betty Portz, Judy Moran, and Julie Mueller (volunteers), for hosting the Catholic Mass and Communion Service (at the SVAL) during the midmorning on Thursday. Thanks to Jr. Steines (volunteer), all the staff/volunteers for assisting with residents and tenants, and with reciting the Rosary prayers. Thanks to Rev. Matthew Kurt and Rev. Robert Gross for assisting the distribution of Communion to the residents (at the MVCC).
“Exercise & Reminisce with Restorative” was held with the residents during the morning on Thursday.
“Gardening” was held with the residents and tenants during the afternoon on Thursday.

Special Thanks to all the staff/volunteers for assisting Activities during this past week: Theresa Schwager, Susan Eversole, Jillian Kueter, Lenae Sieverding, Susan Cates, Megan Meier, Atlanta Wilson, and other unnamed staff and volunteers.

Thanks to all the volunteers for being awesome. Linda Michels for her donation of a light Activity Department cart in Memory of Marcella “Babe” Junk; with some goodies for the residents and tenants. Susan Cates for her many donations of 40 pounds of “Wild Birdseed” and filling up the bird feeders for the residents and tenants during the past weeks, so that the residents and tenants could enjoy seeing the Colorful Birds”. Anonymous for their donations of items during this past week. Thanks to everyone for their assistance and support with all the “individualized” activities/events during this past week.

Upcoming Events:

For a more detailed listing of the Activities,
check out the calendar of events on our website newsletter.
See URL:

Photos may be found at both:
the “Happenings” section of our newsletter; and
the “Photos” section of our Facebook page.
See URL:

* (All Activities/Events/Times are subject to change without notice.)
To check our schedule, one may also call 563-872-5521,