Dear Editor,
Andy McKean has always put people first, above party, above special interests. He is concerned that the Iowa legislature has gone so far into party politics that the needs of rural Iowans are being left in the dust.
Andy believes instead of discontinuing the AEA, as recommended by a private, consulting firm, outside of Iowa, there should have been bipartisan round tables discussing concerns and all services should have continued until decisions could be made on improvements in question. Now, there are Iowa children who have been blatantly dropped from special educational services that the state of Iowa has worked so diligently to provide.
We all want to see fewer abortions but the six-week ban, before many women even know they’re pregnant, is too extreme. Our fore mothers worked tirelessly to gain rights for women, which are now so overtly challenged.
We need balance in Iowa. Decisions made for Iowans right now, are too extreme, with no bipartisanism in sight.
Andy McKean will represent YOU and will be responsive to YOUR needs. He will represent all 30,000 residents in Iowa District 66, regardless of party.
Rae Ann Dickinson (Dubuque, Iowa)
Dear Editor:
I have been reading how Rep. Steven Bradley won’t debate Andy McKean. To be honest, let’s face it, the only people who show up for an entire debate are hard core Republicans and Democrats and a debate will not change either’s mind.
Let me tell you what I do know about both men running to represent District 66 for the Iowa House.
First, I am a daughter of a former state legislature who served from 1971 to 1991 so I am very aware of the “political” process. My father, like the majority of state leaders, relied on other legislators for their input into legislation. Each legislator has their own niche and becomes an expert on topics because not one legislator can understand and read every bill that is written.
Here’s where these two men differ – when Andy McKean was a legislator, he relied on other legislators for advice on bills. Unless it was an election year, you didn’t see him at many pancake breakfasts, church services, community events, etc.
However, I see Dr. Bradley at events talking to constituents all year, not just election years. When bills involving agriculture are up for a vote, Dr. Bradley calls his constituents in agriculture. My husband is no fan of “politicians” and anyone who knows him has heard him say it a million times.
There is one exception – Dr. Steven Bradley. On many occasions, Dr. Bradley doesn’t call me, he goes right to his source and calls my husband to get his opinion. My husband isn’t the only one he calls. My husband has gone to the feed store many times and has run into Dr. Bradley talking to his agricultural constituents on issues that are before him in the Iowa Legislator.
Dr. Bradley has been criticized for attending “pancake” breakfasts. I. can tell you that he goes to where his constituents are and doesn’t wait for them to call him. He represents his district well!
You have a choice on Tuesday, November 5th – a typical politician who only consults other politicians, or a true representative for his constituents, Dr. Steven Bradley. My husband and I are voting for someone who listens to the people he represents – Dr. Steven Bradley.
Sincerely, Monica McHugh (Zwingle, IA)