by Coach Denise Larson for the Preston Times 

It was a busy week for the River Hawk volleyball team as they traveled to Durant, Marquette and Springville this past week! The Varsity squad put up a good fight against the Durant Wildcats only to fall in games of 25-17, 13-25, 14-25 and 24-26. Thursday was a successful night on the Marquette Defenders home court as we completed the win in 4 games of 18-25, 26-24, 25-22 and 26-24. Saturday was a round robin tourney at Springville which resulted in 2 wins and 1 loss. The River Hawks came out strong as they defeated the Burlington Notre Dame NIkes in games of 24-22, 14-21 and 15- . In the next match against the Jesup J-Hawks, we fell just short in games of 21-23 and 14-21. The final match of the day showed a determined squad as we defeated the Cascade Cougars in games of 21-17, 17-21 and 15-6. I am very proud of the progress this group of girls make each time they step on the court! Offensively and defensively, we are showing determination and volleyball intelligence! Hadley Farrell leads the team in kills this week with 75, followed by Sarah Gruver with 23, Alia Schmidt added 9, Addie Farrell with 7, Jenna Roling had 5 and Abby Bierman, Josie Wood, and Abby Felkey each with 1. Gruver put up 86 assists while H. Farrell added 39, Schmidt contributed 10, A. Farell had 5, Wood with 3, Felkey at 2 and Bierman and Roling with 1, Wood led in digs with 49, followed by H. Farrell at 40, Schmidt added 35, Felkey with 28, Gruver had 25, A. Farrell added 6, Roling 3 and Bierman 2. H. Farrell also led in ace serves with 9, Gruver picked up 5, Schmidt and Wood each contributed 4, Felkey with 3 and Roling added 1. Roling put up a wall to grab 10 blocks, H. Farrell had 8, Gruver added 5, Schmidt with 3, Bierman had 2 and A. Farrell had 1.

The FS and JV squads also traveled to Durant and Marquette last week. Despite their improvement with technical skills and enthusiasm, we still fell a bit short in all matches. These girls continue to work hard in the fundamentals of the game as well as continually trying to improve their self confidence and mental game. I am proud of the progress they have made and continue to see them strive to become a unit on the court! You can check out the stats on BOUND for individual games or overall season!

This week is Homecoming week, you can catch the girls in action on Tuesday at home vs Calamus Wheatland, on the road to Prince of Peace on Thursday and at the round robin tourney at North Cedar on Saturday! Hope to hear you there!!!

Sarah, Jenna, Alia


Varsity team huddle