Submitted by Colton Holdgrafer, County Youth Coordinator
The 2025 4-H Sweetheart Ball was held on Sunday, February 23rd at Pearson Hall in Maquoketa. Each year clubs select candidates. The candidates decorate donation cans and set them out at businesses throughout the county. This year, the Sweetheart Ball candidates were:
* Andrew Achievers: Carson Casel & Kyra Struve
* Bellevue Pioneers: Rowyn Trenkamp & Bindi Kettmann
* Cloverites: Gibson Miller & Madeline Bopes
* Emeline Ridge Rollers: Tanner Burken & Madison Herring
* Miles Mavericks: Kyler Wilson & Jillian Ruden
* Monmouth Co-Ed: Lincoln Fields & Ava Franzen
* Northfork New Horizons: Ty Johnson & Renee Cook
* Otter Creek Shooting Stars: Jonathan Miller & Autum Hoerschelman
The funds raised help assist Jackson County 4-H’ers pursue opportunities, such as, conferences and trips at the state and National level.
Your 2025 Sweetheart Court is:
* 2nd Runner up for Sweetheart King: Lincoln Fields
* 2nd Runner Up for Sweetheart Queen: Kyra Struve
* 1st Runner Up for Sweetheart King: Gibson Miller
* 1st Runner Up for Sweetheart Queen: Madeline Bopes
* Sweetheart King: Tanner Burken
* Sweetheart Queen: Bindi Kettmann
Congratulations all!
Also, a huge shout out to all clubs because a total of $3,263.31 was raised! As part of the event Items and monetary donations were raised as well to be donated to the Jackson County Humane Society. We collected $182 and 20 items to be donated! Thank you to all for your hard work!

2025 Sweetheart Ball Candidates (Madison Herring, Tanner Burken, Renee Cook, Kyer Wilson, Carson Casel, Autumn Hoerschelman, Jonathan Miller, Ty Johnson, Madeline Bopes, Rowyn Trenkamp, Jillian Ruden, Kyra Struve). Not Pictured: Bindi Kettmann, Gibson Miller, Lincoln Fields, Ava Franzen).

Intense game of Noodle Hockey.