Dear Editor,
Representative Bradley Won’t Debate / Can’t Relate
Representative Bradley’s refusal to debate Democratic challenger Andy McKean demonstrates he is out of touch with District 66 voters. If Bradley strongly believes in legislation, he voted for then he should be able verbalize this in a debate. Debates have long been a practice in Iowa Legislative races.
It is no surprise that Bradley doesn’t often attend political forums. From my experience sending several emails and voice mails I have never gotten a response. This no response is a pattern multiple constituents have mentioned. Bradley just cannot be bothered.
To recap Bradley will not debate, won’t attend political forums, and respond to emails/voice mail. The ex-dentist has hit a nerve with voters of the 66th House district.
Vote for a candidate that has a history of communicating, will attend forums, and will debate. Vote for Andy McKean!
Roger Dusil (Preston, IA)