by Caroline Bredekamp for the Preston Times 

Thank you, Preston Girl Scout Troop 2959! You should be proud of your latest project- A Little Free Food Pantry that is now officially built, installed near St. John’s Lutheran Church, blessed/dedicated and filled. The Wednesday Whirl Students and teachers at St. John’s look forward to helping you keep the pantry filled and ready for anyone in need who are allowed to take what food items that they can use for any immediate needs. A monthly food pantry is also available in town for the bulk of an individual’s or family’s grocery needs and can be utilized at any time if food supplies are in dire need. This little free food pantry helps get people through until they can access the main food pantries. Community members are also welcome to keep an eye on the pantry and assist if supplies need restocked.

Wednesday Whirl students brought items to contribute to the new pantry and to support their friends in their community project.


Girl Scout Troop Members and their leader pose with the community project that they planned and implemented. Part of the project was getting special permissions to build it at the church and to even safely dig the hole for the post. This small project will do great things, and it has taught the girls how to plan projects in the future.


A full pantry that can assist several community members when in need and until they can get to the main pantries in the area.


Stocking the new pantry after the Blessings were given.


Pastor Erick Swanson lead the Blessing of the Little Free Food Pantry located near St. John’s Lutheran Church