CONTRIBUTED REPORT by the Dolly Committee [email protected]

“You can never put enough books in the hands of enough children” – Dolly Parton
Inspired by her father’s inability to read and write, Dolly started her Imagination Library in 1995 for the children within her home county. Today, her program spans five countries and gifts over 2 million free books each month to children around the world.

Fourteen years and 100,000 books later, as of September 2024, thanks to thirteen hard working board members, the local chapter of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library is still going strong in fourteen communities and rural areas in between in Jackson County. During that time span, an average of 650 kids have received Dolly Parton Imagination Library books each month. Over $200,000 has been raised to provide each child with a book. It costs $28 per year for one child to receive a book each month and every penny raised in the county goes directly to pay for the books. There are no income restrictions, and the books are free to all children between the ages of zero and five years. Families just need to sign up.
These books are chosen by a national panel of experts in the fields of education, library science, psychology, early child hood development, doctors and social work. The Mississippi Bend Education Agency collects registrations and sends them to the Dolly program in Tennessee.

And why is this important? Why have so many people and entities gotten involved? Because the benefits to reading to your children are many. According to Deborah Kris, a teacher and parent educator, kindergarten children who were read to at least three times a week had a significantly greater awareness than did children who were read to less often.
According to the National Educational Association, reading to very young children is linked to decreased levels of aggression, hyperactivity, and attention difficulties. Reading to your child strengthens the parent/child bond.

In 2011, the program’s first year in the county, the Maquoketa Optimist Club challenged the Maquoketa Kiwanis Club to see who could raise the most funds for the books. The Eagles Club, Maquoketa Community Services, Lions and Bellevue and Maquoketa Rotarians also joined in. The Maquoketa and Bellevue utility companies, Maquoketa State Bank, and all four friends of the library groups from Maquoketa, Bellevue, Sabula, and Preston contributed additional support. Churches and merchants joined in the giving as well.

The Maquoketa Middle School donated the money raised at their basketball hoop competition to the cause. A ladies’ coffee klatch decided not to have a Christmas gift exchange, and instead donated the money to the Imagination Library. From PEO groups to Women’s Clubs, money was donated. Often money was given in honor or memory of a loved one.

Board members wrote grants, fried hamburgers and brats, and celebrated with fundraiser dinners. They marched in parades, decorated floats, and spoke to many groups. Representatives from all four of the county’s public libraries are members of the Imagination Library board and there has been continued support from the four friends of the library organizations in our county as well.
With the help of schools, daycare centers, local newspapers, KMAQ, doctor’s offices and word of mouth, families applied and children began receiving books each month. A couple of board members were not shy about asking strangers with small children in public if they were interested in applying. One little boy new to the community said he thought the books came from God.
The Jackson County Dolly Parton Imagination Library considers itself the “Little Engine That Could” and wishes to thank all of the communities, businesses and individuals who have provided support, donated money, manned a brat stand or walked in a parade. The Imagination Library is especially thankful to all the parents who have signed their children up to receive the books.
Families may sign up online to receive books and registration forms are available at any of the four public libraries throughout the county. Donations are welcome and can be sent to Dolly Parton Imagination Library of Jackson County, 126 South Second Street, Maquoketa, Iowa 52060.

Dolly Logo


Young Will Reuter was one of our counties early spokes babies for promoting the Dolly Program.  He is sitting on his dad’s lap with his older brother, Blake while being read to by dad (Adam). Fast forward to present day. Older brother is a senior and Will is an 8th grader- each have continued to utilize libraries and all that they offer.


Not all board members were in attendance for this photo, but they are busy a one of the quarterly meetings held for planning sessions for promoting and funding this wonderful literacy program.